Digital Dealership Registration program crowns banner year of advocacy for TADA

Though a tumultuous year for the economy in general, the Trillium Automobile Association had a very successful year advocating on behalf of auto dealers all over the province of Ontario. One of the major legislative wins for TADA was reported in March, when the Ontario Government announced the Digital Dealership Registration (DDR) program would be implemented to help streamline operations for Ontario’s auto retail sector.

“Getting Digital Dealership Registration across the finish line is the biggest advocacy win for Ontario new car dealers in a generation. Thanks to the leadership of Premier Ford, this program will cut red tape, and save consumers and dealers time and money. There is no doubt about it—Doug Ford is the most pro auto retail Premier in Ontario’s history,” said Frank Notte, Director of Government Relations for TADA.

“Digital Dealership Registration is an important part of our commitment to offer Ontarians simpler, faster, and better access to services. It’s a game-changer for the auto retail sector, helping businesses save time and money, cutting red tape and making it easier for car dealerships to do business in our province,” said Kaleed Rasheed, Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery. “The TADA, its members and others in the auto sector have been an essential part of the development of this service. I encourage dealerships to put forward an expression of interest to participate in the program as we continue to onboard many more into this program over the next year and expand its benefits across the province.”

TADA’s goals for 2023 include continuing the working relationship with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery—which is responsible for Digital Dealership Registration. “I have met with Minister Rasheed and I’m impressed with his enthusiasm for Digital Dealership Registration. Having worked for Blackberry prior to entering politics, Minister Rasheed understands digitizing the car buying process and providing customer service excellence through DDR benefits the auto sector and consumers,” said Notte.

The 2022 Ontario Budget invested $23.9 million in the Digital Dealership Registration program to allow eligible car dealerships to register new vehicles online and issue stock, including permits and licence plates. Once fully implemented, DDR will help up to 4.7 million dealership registration transactions move online annually including the registration of pre-owned vehicles, vehicle transfers and vehicle permit replacements, all of which must currently be conducted in person.

“The TADA is incredibly thankful to MPP Mike Harris for championing Digital Dealership Registration ever since he was first elected in 2018. Thanks to his hard work, the car buying process will become digitized, streamlined and brought into the 21st century,” said Notte.

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