Recharge Véhicule Électrique to invest $7M for better access to home charging

Recharge Véhicule Électrique will invest more than $7 million to support the development and deployment of solutions that make access to home charging easier for North American electric vehicle owners, the company recently announced.

According to David Corbeil, President and Co-founder of RVE, the project will eventually liberate 4,000 megawatts of power from the electrical grid so that EV charging can shift to off-peak hours.

“First and foremost, we want to provide equitable, low-impact, sustainable access to home charging for electric vehicles. Whether owners live in a multi-family building or a single-family home, the goal is to simplify everyone’s contribution to a carbon-neutral future,” said Corbeil in a statement.

The collaboration brings together three investors: Fondaction, Export Development Canada and Investissement Québec, each contribute $2 million, along with a $2 million grant from the Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie.

“Democratizing access to electric vehicle charging in densely populated areas promotes the electrification of transport in a context where we are seeking to avoid GHG emissions and urban sprawl,” said Geneviève Morin, CEO of Fondaction, in a statement.

She added that, with the announced end-of-sale of gasoline-powered vehicles, this type of accessibility will make the transition smoother for consumers “who need to own a personal vehicle.”

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